Thursday, May 10, 2007

yo! i know everyone is busy doing all kinds of great feminist research/analyze/critiques this time of the year, so why not post your papers, projects, etc. if you get a chance. you know you want to.

for those of you who missed the daily show segment on this university's previous mascot:;blog=view;cont=38;uid=5

I want to read this summer and i therefore i submit a request for some good feminist recommendations (essays/articles/books). holler.

hope all fares well on the report cards......please remember that your self worth as a person IS completely dependent on your relative successes or failures in terms of an oversimplified 6-letter value system of personal growth and knowledge.


Go Ask Alex said...

Here's what I've read. I'm also looking for suggestians as well.

*The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf (can't beat the classics)
*Fresh Lipstick by Linda Scott (a genuine Illini feminist!)
*The Chalice and the Blade by Rianne Eisler (Heady but good)
*Female Quixotism by Tabitha G. Tenney (a novel, terrific parody of traditional romance novels--big, over-the-top, and in my opinion, hilarious)
*Insecure at Last by Eve Ensler (a fast read but excellent)
*20 Years At Hull-House by Jane Addams (addresses issues like immigrant rights, women's rights, social work, and protective labor legislation--intense and a good look at that historical period)

Hope these help! I'm looking forward to hearing what the rest of you have to suggest.

Heather said...

I'm looking into "Self-Made Man" by Norah Vincent, who went undercover as a man for a year and a half.

e r i c t r o t h said...

Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. It's a novel, and it's amazing.