Thursday, April 5, 2007

Hello lovely people. We picked a name today!!

FIST. Feminists Instituting Social Transformations. I included visual aids (on the right). Love is a good "feminist instituting social transformation"-ing. How appropriate.

In other news, I just saw Jackson Katz give his talk (I think it was called "What Will It Take"). He's quite a talented orator and he touched on some really important points. I think it will be shown on tv at some point because a local affiliate was taping it. I'll keep my eye out for it, because you NEED to check it out. I always find it particularly invigorating when someone who enjoys a certain amount privilege uses their position to promote the vocies of the unheard, thereby beating the path and making the trail that much easier to walk when those very voices are granted and/or forcibly take their visibility.
I attended a fantastic lecture at the end of last semester given by Robert Jensen, a feminist professor at University of Texas. He talked about the issue of critical whiteness studies. He kinda also reiterated this idea that social movements can benefit from sympathetic and ideologically vested alliances who exhibit characteristics of privlege to further their message in ways that the oppressed group sometimes can not do. Am I making sense? I'm thinking out loud so its all rather muddled. Like for example, white men have historically been given more voice than say other oppressed groups, so if a white man is to use his privlege of 'authorship' that has been endowed by normative hegemonic discourse in a way that furthers the progress of those oppressed groups then he is actively resisting and maybe also working to create a new discourse. But what Im getting at is......what does this look like, and what does this comes to mean in terms of a capitulation to hegemonic normative structures (ie: the master's house)? How strong can a resistance be if it is still recognized by those who subscribe to 'the master's house'. Or maybe you need a way to get in the door before you can gut anything. I don't know if I've even acurately conceptualized the metaphor, shit Im lucky Im even wearing my shoes on the right feet.
Thats enough of that. This girl keeps staring at me at the library because Ive just been talking out loud to myself for like 20 minutes. Hah, she thinks Im crazy!
Anyway, Jackson guy, cool mission too.
Peace and Love.

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