In other randomness, lately Ive heard on three separate occasions an appeal to the idea that you can be too politically correct. I don't know if this is a broadly held view or if it even holds any merit. Where is this logic coming from? Is it only coming from the mouths of those who embody the very notion of white heteronormative privilege....those who see 'political correctness' as some kind of burden? Does it stem out of corrosive and utterly ABSURD/FALSE idea that we are in some sort of post-feminist movement or post-civil rights movement moment?
I just googled, 'too politically correct' and the 4th website listed was a DI article from Feb 20th 2007 about the racist mascot which i wont even go into on this post....aside from being complete and utter bullshit, I think it does a little to illustrate where my ruminations are coming from...(http://media.www.dailyillini.com/media/storage/paper736/news/2007/02/20/Letters/Becoming.Too.Politically.Correct-2729843.shtml).
Right now, Im leaning toward the notion that the ones who use this argument that you can be too politically correct are the ones who need to readjust their focus and look through more than just the lens of privileged ignorance. I want to get into this more, but my brain hurts and I gotta study.
ps: Coalition Against Coke Contracts is doing a phone bombing to the chancellor tomorrow to remind him that the UIUC community doesnt want Coke on campus. If you want to make a call the number is 217 333 6290. Drop him a line about your concern about the unversity's silence about the matter and about how you aren't down with corporations that put profit over sustainability and safety...something alone those lines.
pps: The GEO is also having open office hours either on the Quad or in the Union, I think from 11-1 tomorrow. So if you wanna show a little love over there, I bet theyd appreciate it.
As far as "too PC" goes, I think you have to ask yourself what the line between PC and censorship is. I laugh at anti-feminist jokes my friends tell me and in turn I tell them anti-man jokes and they laugh back. To me that's ok because I'm all for free speech, and I think arguments are good, and that we shouldn't ban speech just because it is offensive. What is life if you can't laugh at yourself? That's why comedians like Chapelle and Mencia are so popular. There is a difference between a joke and comments made in seriousness like the president of Harvard or something saying that women were naturally worse at math and science than men, and the Prime Minister of Japan rescinding the apology for the forced sexual submission of women from surrounding countries during WWII.
right on i see what youre saying...i believe i once saw a piece in which whoopi goldberg was saying something along the lines of how powerful it is to be able to use jokes, sarcasm, etc. to bring humor into really serious situations in an attempt to shed light on the underlying issues at hand and in doing so creating new discourse to combat the normative hegemonic discourses that are so prevalent. I guess that kind of points to the notion that our language is a loaded medium for the expression and cultivation of discourse.....hmm, im just thinking out loud....good point though.
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