Friday, March 30, 2007

Some Headlines

Well this won't be much of a post, only a few news headlines of interest and a thought.

In the Trib today, they ran a story about the University stopping the sales of chief shirts etc.


Tuesday a few Senators led the attempts at reintroducing the ERA to Congress.


And this is bullshit:

Ok Im off to the hinterlands of Ohio. Peace and Love.

1 comment:

E said...

I actually heard some girls "discussing" this in my Presidency class yesterday. I typed their conversation b/c it was so "insightful." Here it is (in the whiniest voices you can imagine):

Ditz #1: They can’t make any more chief stuff!
Ditz #2: That is so RETARDED!!
Ditz #1: Tell me this isn’t, like, a lack of FREEDOM. America isn’t free anymore if we can’t buy shirts that have that on it.
Ditz #2: Yeah TOTALLY. I’m going in today and buying all the chief stuff I see. They’re not like, letting the stores use their rights.

Oh, I'm so glad I have classes with people like that.